In continuing our “Best Microscopes Shopping Guide” series, we’re delving into the favorite of those of you who are tech savvy. We’re looking the best digital compound microscopes for your favorite microscope lover!
We’re covering Omax microscopes, AmScope microscopes, Levenhuk microscopes, National Optical microscopes, and Celestron microscopes–5 brands, one battle for microscope superiority. While this isn’t an official “Battle of the Microscopes” post, this top 5 best digital compound microscope comparison list will help keep your shopping quick and easy.
It’s a microscope battle royale!
5 Best Digital Compound Microscopes
1. AmScope B120B-3M 40x-2000x LED Compound Binocular Microscope w/ MU300 3MP USB2.0 Digital Camera

It’s really no surprise to see the B120’s as one of the best digital compound microscopes and back on the top of the list again. Immensely popular from AmScope as a their economic best digital compound microscopes for students, teachers, and researchers alike, future proofed with upgrades available, solid optical quality for the price point, and this package includes the best bang for your buck USB2.0 3MP camera, the MU300. This fantastic digital compound microscope package is aptly titled, the B120B-3M, denoting inclusion of the MU300 camera, the B120 series compound microscope, and both 10x and 20x eyepieces (which is great, since the camera operates at about 20x as well).
Really, if you haven’t read any of our reviews or recommendations on this as one of the best digital compound microscopes out there, you can do so here: Best Compound Microscopes 2015
And here: Battle of the Microscopes
After all, one of the best compound microscopes, with one of the best valued USB cameras, means you have one of the absolute best digital compound microscopes!
If you’re in the market for an all purpose digital compound microscope to last through the ages, this is it. If you need something a little better, or a little different, we have the rest of the list to check out as well! For pricing and ordering, and taking advantage of your Prime free 2-day shipping, check it out on Amazon here: AmScope B120B-3M
2. Omax CS-MD827S30L 40x-2000x LED Compound Binocular Microscope w/ Built-In USB2.0 3MP Digital Camera

Another famous returning champion to the compound microscope reign of kings, the Omax CS-MD827S has been here and there on this site as well, but now we have it listed as a major contender for best digital compound microscopes of 2015!
Nearly as stellar as the AmScope B120 in almost every way, the only reason it got edged out by the AmScope offering is that the camera isn’t built-in on their units, so if the camera goes out for any reason, the microscope is unusable while the head is out for repairs, whereas the AmScope unit would only require the camera attachment to be sent in.
Otherwise, great optical quality, future proofed (according to one of our readers who corrected us when Omax released condenser options for these units), solid camera image and frame rate, and fantastic build quality lead this to be right behind that AmScope B120 holding the #1 spot this 2015 holiday season as an option for best digital compound microscopes.
Check it out for pricing and ordering via Prime on Amazon here: Omax CS-MD827S30L

New to our top 5 list this holiday season, the Levenhuk D70L 40x – 1600x unit is one of our best digital compound microscopes for 2015 solely due to the high build quality, impressive optical quality, and the fact that to get such a high resolution image with a large color LCD display to use, you can use this unit for applications ranging from amateur to professional for hours before eye strain sets in! No need to look down a tube, so this is perfect for those who wear galsses as well.
The price point is about the same as the other units listed here, and although Levenhuk is a new contender to the marketplace, we have used their units and had zero complaints about them. Professionally manufactured, marketed, and packaged, you can’t go wrong whether this one of our best digital compound microscopes is for you or for a loved one this season!
Give it a gander at Amazon for pricing and more information here: Levenhuk D70L
4. National Optical D-ELDB 40x-1000x LED Compound Binocular Microscope w/ Built-In 3MP Digital Camera

The price is a little higher than most other units here, however, for that price increase, you are getting a bit of a more well known brand name than the others on the list, and with that, some peace of mind for quality purposes.
The National Optical D-ELDB is one of our best digital compound microscopes this year despite the higher price point than we usually list on these due to everything being of superb quality. Is it the best on there? Pretty close to it, despite it’s odd appearance. It takes the good of the Omax/AmScope units and puts it on a superior feeling casing for a high quality look, feel, and performance. Certainly a recommendation if the budget is larger than the other units we list here as best digital compound microscopes for 2015.
Check out pricing, availability, and use that Prime 2-day shipping to get yours right away from Amazon here: National Optical D-ELDB
5. Celestron PentaView 44348 5MP Digital Microscope w/ 4.3″ LCD TouchScreen

Our final offering for best digital compound microscopes of 2015 isn’t a bad unit in any way, shape, or form. It’s actually on here because when people are shopping for the best digital compound microscopes, they aren’t necessarily always looking for the lowest price while still getting the features they want.
This Celestron Pentaview 5MP 44348 is Celestron’s flagship of the best digital compound microscopes line that they offer, in that it has a 5MP camera and a solid LCD display to view your samples on. With a myriad of useful features, extremely solid build quality despite it not being the most photogenic digital compound microscope listed here, and ultimately being the one of the truly best digital compound microscopes listed here from Celestron, if it’s within the higher than most budget (and you don’t want to look with your eyes in an eyepiece), then this unit has your name written on it.
Pick yours up from Amazon for Prime 2-day shipping benefits, a great price point, and 30 day returns/exchanges here: Celestron Pentaview 5MP 44348
Hopefully this helps you wade through the many offerings to select only the best digital compound microscopes out for your holiday gift!
If you have any questions or want to make a suggestion/correction, please feel free to contact us at by filling out a contact form here!